viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Lost boy Larry, August 1973

New Mexico CB operators recieved a signal from a young boy, who was pleading for help, he said he was trapped in a pickup with his father, and told them that he might be dead fro a heart attack. 

According to Larry, his father took him to a hunting trip, but something happed on the road the the car overtuned into a gully, jamming the driver and the passenger side doors. 

The boy was no idea where they are, without food or water. Larry's signal was fading in and out. The investigatora begin to search for him in New Mexico, where local police and state police believed the signal originated. Thousands of civilian volunteers were helping to search for the boy, but the volunteers and the police were leading to frustration.

Larry's signal was running out of battery. The newspapers and TV stations picked up the story. Some jokers were mimicking his voice over the airwaves, adding to the chaos. 

By august 12, no sign was found, and nobody was searching for Larry.
However, no one has ever come forward to claim responsability and no suspects were named. 
Did Larry died in a car, trapped? Were Larry's cries for help a joke? 

The mystery remains unsolved.

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