jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Elisa Lam: horrifying case in Cecil Hotel (LA)

Really, I heard about this story just recently, but It captured my attention. The case is really strange, if you take the facts to anilize.

By the fact, It is an unsolved case nowadays.

Elisa Lam was a student in Vancouver, daughter of chiese immirants, who owns a restaurant. 
Elisa traveled alone, and made a stop at the Cecil Hotel.

The fact is, Elisa had a bipolar disorder. The thing is, that medical anilize didn't showed any positive test to drugs or something strange she could take, that would explain her behaviour.

I am asking myself too, that there could be someone who could hide beside the corners at the hotel, with whom she could play, throwing sights one to the other, but the hotel cameras didn't captured any strange person, so she was alone, acting strange. In the video, you can see how she moves her hands, showing the "diving" movement, like you do in water when swimming, like showing water, and that's is strange, because then she is found in a water tank.

The video:

There are so many questions...
-Why she was hiding and coming out of the elevator like she was playing with someone to hide and seek?
- Why she was pushing all buttons in the elevator?
- Why she was hiding in the corner of the elevator? 
- What was this moving with hands, like she was simulating swimming?
- And how did she arrives at the tank and be placed there, when any camera fixed the supposed murderer? But actually there need to be other person, because, she couldn't make a suicide, so how she could open the tank, come in there and then close the tap, If the tap weight is so heavy? There should be a group of people doing all the stuff: carrying Elisa, open the tank, and few person to move the tap, then carrying Elisa to the top AND close the tank. And acting so fast, so professionally that nobody noticed a strange thing.
- If you are thinking about someone of the hotel workers, me too. But why police didn't talk about something like that? They wouldn't hide something horrible like that. Or maybe yes?....

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