sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015


I can't believe it!!!


I just can't believe the fact I have finished this game, actually it's not so large, but I remained very long time in the game, those enemies are just assholes!!

Ok, respect to the story and the happenings: those who didn't played it, SPOILERS!

- Alan is just a drogadict, if we can call it so. It seems that he have hallucinations, he sees things that happens to his wife, he see the woman who captured her into the darkness. 
How do we call it? Yeah!

- Alan is totally NOT a sport lover: I am referring to the fact that he can't run much, and it goes even worst when you need to escape the faster you can from the enemies, and Alan turn to run slowly and slowly, so the enemies capt you and kill.... Because the best thing sometimes is just to run away from them...

- The other thing is, even if the story is good, Stephen King alike, but very monotonously:the structure is always the same: you need to go to a X place , you need to kill 6723847897 number of enemies,  turn the lights on. PLUS you need to be careful with the ammo.

Well, If I recommend this game or not: I actually liked the story, the graphics and the dialogs, but the gameplay is actually the same in all parts, but it's Stephen King's alike story, so I was interested in. If you like this type of games, with mystic story, good graphics, very realistic character, that turn slowly when runnig so much, can be hurt fast... So you can play it.
Actually the game has a DLC (additional story), so I will play it too.

Good luck and hope you will have a great time!))

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