viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Final words of executed criminals

This should be closed for the public reach, but It can be found in google:

"To the wictim's family, I want to know that I hope you let go all of the hate because of all my actions. I came in as a lion and I come as peaceful as a lamb. I'm at peace. I hope society sees who else they are hurting with this. To my loved ones, I hope both victims find in their hearts to forgive me, and I have forgave everyone and I love everyone, pray for my soul and I forgive myself. I love y'all and I'll be waiting for y'all, my brother take care of my family. Take care of my girl, my mom, my sons and all of my loved ones. Brother Wayne and Brother Joe, thank y'all. Jorge don't give up on Luís, I'll be listening.

Thank you for everything. Father I commend my soul, please kare care and watch everybody I leave behind.

I am ready Wardes. Father please accept my soul. I am sorry, I love you all, I am always going be with you. I love y'all, I love y'all. I love you Father, I love you Father, I love you Savior."


"I would like to apologize to the Moreno family and the Steinfeldt family for all the trouble I have cause them. I would like to apologize to my family for all of their support. I guess that's it."


"I love you. To Gerald: you're a zero. I love you Mandy, Tiffany. I love you, too."


"D.J., Laurie, Dr Wheat, about all I can say is goodbye, and for all the rest of you, although, you don't forgive me for my transgressions, I forgive yours against me. I am ready to begin my journey and that's all I have to say."


"I do, I want to address you, I am sorry. I don't know who you are. I am sorry I put you through some things that I can't take back. I am sorry. This isn't going to change anything. Sorry for putting you through this. This is creating more victims. I am sorry, I put you through this. I love you man, I love you. This is not gonna change anything. This person shoe ded that 10 years ago isn't the same person you see today. I hurt a lot of people with decisions I made. I can't be more sorry that I am right now. I hurt the Lopez family, let this be a lession. Your decisions affect everybody. Look after your sister for me. I am always gonna be with you. I love you too Shay, I love you if you're listening, I am sorry to be putting everybody through this. This is the end of this, time to move on. I hope this brings you peace, I am sorry. I told your sister my last words. Danielle, you know that I love you. You know that you have my heart, I've enjoyed these times. I love you little hef."


"Carrie, it's been a joy and a blessing. Take care, give everybody my regards. I love you, and I'll see you in eternity. Father take me home. I am ready to go."

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