martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

Horror: deep web

Actually I don't even visited it, I found that to enter it you have to download the browser TOR, what I actually did, but If you have slow internet connection (like I have), you won't be able to enter there.

But... What is Deep web?

Surely most of you have heard about it, nowadays this part of the internet has got viral, and most of things that people do there you can find in the common web. But there are few categories of what you can find there: Youtube is plenty of tops of things you can find in the deep web, but no one show you the real images. yeah, the fact that youtube can ban you if you do so, but people if curious and want to see that, even if there are so horrible things...

The most famous case of a video from the deep web is the one called "Daisy's destruction", and its creator Peter Scully. You must have heard about this, it also was on tv.

Those who has watched this video, may be several person, not more. I saw this video was in some upload site, I don't know if it still there, If you really want to see that, you need to be very strong!
I don't know is this video is the only one they made, or they made more videos, I have heard that DD have few parts, well, the video is cut in several parts. I don't know if the normal web you can find anything, more, But I hope not.

Worst than that only are those monsters who kill animals....

You could have heard about other videos, but 'til now, this one is the only that has been real. Hope the other videos would not be reality.

You can search for videos on youtube, there are a lot about this site.
Hope you will enjoy all this thing, actually there is a site called 4chan that are posting some interesting things, sometimes horrible, sometimes mystics,....

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